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Oxygen Indicator ? Combustion Control (Flue Gas)

The Cosmos XP-3180E is a part of the new XP-3000 series from Prism Gas Detection, an ISO: 9001 company, which features portable detectors for combustible gases and many gases including oxygen. The XP- Read more

Belt Weigh Indicator With PID

Weightronix Controls offers a belt weigh indicator with PID, Model WF-805BC. This is a weighing controller developed for belt scale. Raw materials weight can be weighed while being transferred on belt Read more

Flow Indicators with Ball

To check the flow processes in pipeline systems flow indicators are frequently required which give an immediate visible answer to the question: "Is the medium flowing or not?" A flow meter with a ball Read more

Digital Indicator/Controller/Scanner & Annunciator

Wavetek Electronics offers its latest digital indicator/ controller/scanner/annunciator with a high degree o functionality and reliability. These units accept most of the process inputs like RTD, TC, Read more

Digital Indicator/Controller/Scanner & Annunciator

Wavetek Electronics offers its latest digital indicator/ controller/scanner/annunciator with a high degree o functionality and reliability. These units accept most of the process inputs like RTD, TC, Read more

Single Rev Dial Indicator

A line of mechanical dial indicators is designed to prevent accidental misreadings by limiting pointer movement to one revolution of the dial. These low-cost, single rev indicators are recommended for Read more

Float Based Liquid Level Indicator

Sigmet has introduced a more economical version of magnetic float based liquid level transducer, which works on the principle of a magnetic float, changing the resistance of a sealed circuit, in propo Read more

PC-Board Indicators

Gilway offers EA203, EA205, and EA206 PC-Board Indicators. They provide two colours of illumination from each LED: red/green, red/yellow, or green/yellow. Read more

PC-Board Indicators

Gilway offers EA203, EA205, and EA206 PC-Board Indicators. They provide two colours of illumination from each LED: red/green, red/yellow, or green/yellow. Read more

PC-Board Indicators

Gilway offers EA203, EA205, and EA206 PC-Board Indicators. They provide two colours of illumination from each LED: red/green, red/yellow, or green/yellow. Read more

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