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Ashok Leyland takes an unconventional route to promote gender equality

The campaigns BADA DOST and ‘Aali Re’ anthem of Mumbai Indians women’s team encouraging women to pursue their aspirations with the message "Koi Manzil Door Nahin" (No dream too far)Read more

Ashok Leyland Inaugurates ‘Women-centric Cabin Trim Line’ at Pantnagar plant

The Women-centric Cabin Trim Line has been inaugurated during this festive season to celebrate womanhood, exemplifying the resilience and strength of women across the country.Read more

Ashok Leyland sets up all-women production line at Hosur

To promote women empowerment and attract women towards manufacturing, flagship company of Hinduja Group, Ashok Leyland set up an all-women production line at its Hosur plant in Tamil Nadu.Read more

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