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Tata Chemicals joins hand with IITB-Monash for clean energy innovation

Under this agreement, Tata Chemicals commits to supporting the next-gen technology research led by the IITB-Monash Research Academy focused on the transformative potential of perovskite materials in the field of clean energy.Read more

Tata Chemicals Mambattu Facility recieves Gold IGBC Certification for Green Practices

The evaluation encompassed five key environmental categories: Site Selection and Planning, Water Conservation, Energy Conservation, Material Conservation, and Indoor Environmental Quality and Occupational Health.Read more

Ideal Lighting System

Ideal Lighting System (ILS) is innovation based organisation offering comprehensive services under one roof and a leading manufacturer in India for industrial LED lighting products with unique designing for thermal management.Read more

Terex AWP India celebrates completion of 15 years

Its brand Genie has built a strong presence in India through industry leadership, customer input and innovationRead more

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