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Faurecia invests in Powersphyr to enhance cockpit connectivity technology

The French automotive technology Faurecia has invested in Powersphyr, a Silicon Valley start-up - to accelerate the Group’s solutions for a smart and connected Cockpit of the Future.Read more

Factories of the future in India: Connected, smart, and collaborative

Gartner Inc forecasts that 20.4 billion connected things will be in use worldwide by 2020, up by whopping 143% from 2017. Read more

PTC and KPIT open Center of Excellence for industrial IoT in Pune

PTC, which provides technology solutions for new product development, and KPIT Technologies, a technology consulting & product engineering solutions company, have opened of a Center of Excellence (CoE) at KPIT's campus located in Pune. The inaugural event focused on bringing customer experience and engagement to the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) with solutions built on PTC technologies. Read more

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