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Challenges before Indian manufacturing sector in the next 25 years

In the Independence Day speech, PM Narendra Modi explained his idea of a new India by 2047. This is a sufficiently long term for transforming a country. R Jayaraman explains how the manufacturing industry in India can contribute to this ‘revolution’.Read more

Dr V Krishnamurthy and the World Class Quality Movement in Indian industry

Dr V Krishnamurthy, known as the "Father of Indian PSUs", passed away on 26 June 2022. In this article, R Jayaraman talks about the pioneering work done by Dr Krishnamurth and his influence on the Indian manufacturing sector.Read more

Budget 2022 - Govt's Rs 7.5 lakh cr capex to augment machine tools demand: V Anbu

Budget 2022 is a booster shot for Indian manufacturing and ease of doing business, says V Anbu, Director General & CEO, IMTMA, who reflects on how the budget fares for the Indian machine tool industry.Read more

Top 3 trends for Indian manufacturing sector in 2021

With India expected to be among the top three manufacturing destinations before 2025, Masatomo Nishizaki, BU Head – Smart Manufacturing, NEC Corporation India, predicts top three manufacturing trends to watch out for in 2021.Read more

India needs to create its own smart-manufacturing ecosystem

Though adoption of Industry 4.0 offers significant strategic advantage to the manufacturing sector, it does not offer a one-size-fits-all solution.Read more

India can be one of the top 3 manufacturing destinations by 2020

The manufacturing sector has the potential to grow six-fold by 2025 up to $ 1 trillion, creating up to 90 million jobs.Read more

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