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With 38,946 trade visitors from 114 countries and 1.317 exhibitors on 160,000sqm gross space, the event reaffirmed its role as the world’s leading platform for innovation and business in this sector. Read more
In this interview with Rakesh Rao, Adheesh Ramani, CEO, Jasmino Corporation Pvt Ltd, explains criticality of rubber lining for process industries and its role in protecting capital equipment and reducing downtime.Read more
HAW Lining, a pioneer in rubber linings, has been instrumental in industrial corrosion protection for over 125 years, offering critical solutions to global industrial powerhouses.Read more
Germany is Brazil's leading economic partner in Europe, with more than 1,500 German-owned businesses generating around 10% of Brazil's industrial GDP and employing 250,000 individuals. Read more
Under the motto "Filtration on the Move", Hengst presented innovative products for liquid and air filtration as well as a world first: a completely CO2 -neutral filter at the IAA Transportation 2024, HannoverRead more
Sesotec’s X-ray inspection devices reliably detect foreign bodies in food products. These X-ray scanners ensure maximum safety in food production thanks to the eSIGN LED signal tower.Read more
The most affected sectors were mechanical engineering and the automotive industry, with orders down 0.9% and 0.7%, respectively, from May. Read more
The potential move is aimed at enhancing flexibility and allowing the company to adapt more effectively to dynamic market conditions and the evolving software-driven technology landscape.Read more
Biebighäuser manufactures and supplies components to the largest European OEMs including Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes. Read more
The new slewing ring bearing made of wood-plastic composite (WPC), presented by igus at Hannover Messe 2024, strikes a good balance between strength, durability and environmental friendliness with a proven low CO2 footprint.Read more
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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