Airless Tumblast Type Shot Blasting Machine

Airless Tumblast Type Shot Blasting Machine

Kushal Udhyog offers Airless range of Tumblast Type Shot Blasting Machine, which is basically used in batch cleaning of parts of similar kind in large numbers for de-scaling, cleaning, de-burring or removal of scales from the substrate. It has gained wide application in gear manufacturing industries where a batch of product is cleaned for removal after heat treatment and prior to plating.

Tumblast Shot Blasting Machine consists of a Cabinet with a barrel mounted with Rubber/Metallic belt which moves at a constant speed through a geared assembly. Job's are loaded on to the belt manually or automatically through a loader (Optional) and a Centrifugal Blast Wheel mounted on the top of the cabinet throws the abrasive on the batch of products to blast clean it. Spent abrasive is transferred through the perforated belt to the hopper and further to the bucket elevator through the screw conveyor. A media separation unit is provided at the outlet of the bucket elevator to differentiate the dust and the usable media which are thrown to the blast wheel again. A Common Dust Collector for the machine, bucket elevator and the media separator keeps the system clean. Various Optional Equipments are available for upgrading the machine like rotary screen separation unit, fully Mn Lined Cabinet, various dust collectors and PLC operation.

  • Various sizes are available viz. 20"x27", 27”x36" and 36"x42" with load capacities of 150, 350 & 450 Kgs respectively.
  • PLC Operated Sequential Control or Auto Sequence Operation.
  • Optional Auto Hydraulic loader and Hydraulic Door Opening.
  • Applied in Batch Cleaning of Gears & Bearings.

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