Vacuum Heat Treatment Furnaces

Vacuum Heat Treatment Furnaces

Agnee Engineering offers a range of Vacuum Heat Treatment Furnaces. These vacuum furnaces are engineered to provide highly controlled furnace environment required for effective heat treating of materials. In a vacuum furnace the product in the furnace is surrounded by a vacuum. The absence of air or other gases prevent heat transfer with the product through convection and removes a source of contamination. An inert gas, such as Argon, is typically used to quickly cool the treated metal after the desired process in the furnace. This inert gas can be pressurised to two times atmosphere or more, then circulated through the hot zone area to pick up heat. Vacuum furnace systems represent a clean processing alternative with no adverse effect on environment. Advantages of vacuum heat treatment include: no change in surface structure, composition or properties of steel; no oxidation or decarburising; no need to clean after treatment and no heat loss. Agnee vacuum furnaces are engineered to offer capabilities involving combinations of high temperature, high vacuum, process containment, fast and frequent temperature changes, gas or pressure changes. Vacuum furnaces are ideal for degassing, bright annealing, aging, case hardening, vacuum coating, brazing and sintering. These furnaces are vertical pit-pot type, top loaded. Each furnace is fitted with standard and special accessories including automatic opening doors, fans, cooling venturies, racks, baskets, loading devices, quench systems, various controlled atmospheres, special thermocouples, temperature controllers/recorders and alarms. The temperature ranges from 500 Degree Celsius to 1200 Degree Celsius.

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