Onload Tapchangers for Transformers

Onload Tapchangers for Transformers

CTR Manufacturing Industries Limited offers flange mounted Onload Tapchangers (OLTCs) for Transformers. These are used for regulating output voltage of lower capacity power, distribution, furnace and rectifier transformers. These are approved and used by all transformer manufacturers, domestic utilities, major private and public sector companies including Indian Railways, National Thermal Power Corporation, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd and all state electricity boards. Manufactured since 1966 to design of English Electric, UK, the range includes: 11 kV, 22 kV, 33 kV, 66 kV and 132 neutral end oil filled tapchangers; 11 kV dry type 100 A tapchangers and 11 kV, 400 A dry types vacuum tapchangers; maximum rated through current up to 500 A and step voltage up to 1200 V; and single phase off circuit tapchanger up to 3000 A, 6, 9, 10,17, 21 positions. Features include: suitable for bi-directional power flow; type tested as per IS and IEC standards; more than 60,000 installations worldwide; supplied with remote tapchanger control cubicle and AVR; tapchangers for furnace application; OLTC with oil filter system; ISO 9001:2008 certified; 24x7 after sales service is provided by zonal offices and/or representatives in major Indian cities and associative overseas.

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