Heat Dissipation And Recovery Systems

Heat Dissipation And Recovery Systems

Capri Cables offers Heat Dissipation And Recovery Systems. This system is ideal for cooling of: semi-conductor devices (diodes, thyristors, IGBTs); electronic assemblies; bus bars and optical cable junctions; control panels; servers and computers; energy recovery HVACs, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, solar systems, etc. The system operates on energy it transfers, hence no need of external energy. Advantages: electronics: high heat transfer capacity; maximum heat flux @ minimum temperature difference; designed for exact wattage dissipation; higher loading of electronic devices than with conventional cooling; unmatched suitability in higher wattage dissipation segment; provide for 20-40% reduction in weight and physical dimensions; no maintenance required even for 10 years; and cost comparable to conventional heat sinks. Energy recovery: no energy required "driven" by cooling coil itself; electrical re-heaters completely removed; lower cooling load - smaller chiller and AHU coil; and net energy savings of 30%.

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