Controller for Electrostatic Precipitators

Controller for Electrostatic Precipitators

Associated Powercon Equipments (India) Pvt Ltd offers a Controller for Electrostatic Precipitators, Model Micro Kraft MK III. Micro Kraft is a microcomputer that enables optimum control of electrostatic precipitators. It is a modern system for controlling the power supply to electrostatic precipitators, based entirely on microprocessors. It is user friendly and has a logical menu structure. The illuminated display is easy to read and understand Micro Kraft is pre-programmed with display text in multiple languages and it is easy to switch from one language to another. Communication with the master system is by a two-wire bus and RS 485 physical interface. The communication protocols that can be used are ModBus RTU/ASCII or Profibus DP. Technical specifications: digital microcontroller based unit; in-built R485 communication – Modbus/Profibus protocol; 240 x 64 dot matrix super twist graphical display; and 5 analog inputs, 12 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs. Powercon is a technology leader in power conversion and manufactures medium and large power DC power supplies and rectifier equipment. Since 1971, the company has installed several thousand high current rectifiers with thyristor and IGBT technology worldwide, for metal finishing, battery formation, chlorine/hydrogen generation, water treatment, electrowinning, and other electrochemical applications. Since 2006, it has added High voltage rectifiers for electrostatic precipitators to its product range, and is a key supplier of TRCC units to ESP manufacturers.

  • Multilingual operation (> 10 languages)
  • Basic/intermittent energisation modes
  • Manual or automatic back corona control
  • In-built controls for rapper motors and heating groups
  • Deionisation to restore optimum gas state after sparking
  • Voltage reduction through external contact
  • Direct interface to opacity sensor
  • Comprehensive alarm handling

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