Seed Grader, Large

Seed Grader, Large

Agro Industrial Machines offers a seed grader, Model ASSG.2S1T. This is suitable for cleaning and grading of various cereal seeds, oilseeds, vegetable seeds, forestry seeds, fodder crop seeds, spices and pulses. It has two oscillating screens and two independent air aspirations. It removes all lighter impurities like dust, dirt, stem fractions, immature and bevelled grains/seeds, and other undersize and oversize impurities. The machine is of all steel, welded construction with structural framework. Clogging of the top screen is checked by rubber beaters, whereas that of the bottom screen is checked by a set of travelling screen brushes. The feed hopper is provided with feed control device and a rubber roller for uniform and regular feed of the grain/seed into the feed aspiration duct.

Products from Agro Industrial Machines


Seed Grader, Small

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