KRK Power: Power & Distribution Transformers

  • Technical Articles
  • Sep 02,11
KRK Power: Power & Distribution Transformers

The Indian transformer industry is a critical part of the Indian electrical equipment business and is estimated to be Rs 15,000 crore. According to the Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers' Association (IEEMA), the industry is a mature segment manufacturing all types of transformers and can meet the country's demand for transformers up to voltage levels including 800 kV now going to 1200 kV. The Indian transformer industry can be generally divided into distribution transformers, power transformers and other types of special transformers for welding, traction, furnace, etc. Some of the transformer manufacturers in India have successfully developed the technology and cost effectiveness in their design and manufacture of the transformers. Many of the transformer manufacturers are exporting products, even to advanced countries and some parts of USA.Power-&-Distribution-Transformers-1.jpg

Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh, is home to several transformer manufacturers across a vast product and capacity range. K K Rao Engineering Works Pvt Ltd, established in the year 1978, is one such manufacturer that has risen from a humble beginning in a small garage, initially undertaking repair works for distribution transformers. Mr KK Rao, the founder chairman of the Ramakrishna Industries Group, is a man of vision with the ability to turn the ideas in to reality - a difficult task in those days when technical expertise, equipment and capital was limited. Despite these difficulties, the company grew steadily by re-investing its profits in people, technology, etc. From the beginning, the company has been dedicated to understand its customer needs and delivering them consistently. The company has earned an enviable repetition for quality, reliability and service. In the process of enhancing the product range, it started manufacturing distribution transformers in the year 1989.

In addition to manufacturing distribution transformers, in 1991 the company moved part of its existing distribution transformers manufacturing activities to a new plant at Uppal using modern manufacturing technologies. A strategic decision was made in 1992 to manufacture 33 kV class power transformers and a beginning was made, gradually scaling up for manufacturing transformers up to 12.5 MVA along with regular repairs of transformers 132 kV class.Power-&-Distribution-Transformers-2.jpg

In 2007, the company started manufacturing 132 kV class transformers and also launched a joint venture for construction of 33/11 kV substations on turn key basis.

The members of the board of the company are determined, like the founder of the company, to satisfy the customer needs by providing excellent service, right technology, meticulous planning and implementing cost effective technology.

Today the group has created 3 more units to meet the delivery schedules. These are:

1. Ramakrishna Transformers, Hyderabad
2. Ramakrishna Industries, Hyderabad (presently KRK Power), and
3. Ramakrishna Transformers, Vijayawada.

KRK Power, established during the year 2006, has full fledged infrastructure facilities and modern test lab to manufacture and repair transformers (up to 220 kV Class). In this connection, it is pertinent to note that a 31.5 MVA, EMV transformer was manufactured and delivered to APTRANSCO and is in service since 2008.

The company is certified to ISO 9001-2008, and its quality management system is an integral part of the operations of the business aimed at achieving customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

In the process of re-structuring of the company activities, the mantle has passed to the next generation. Mr Ramakrishna, son of Mr K K Rao, and a graduate in the field of Electrical Engineering with masters degree in business management, has been appointed as director in the company during in the year 2008. Due to long years of association with the activities of the father, with technical and management background, the group is now set for further growth. The present management is a combination of traditional prudence and young dynamic behaviour, aggressively exploring the market and customer needs. As a result the company has gained a firm toehold in various states with a number of orders. Mr Ramakrishna truly believes that the customer is the most important visitor and the company's business depends on him.

The company's motto is as follows: train and educate the work force; recognise individual achievements; provide job security based on the performance; and provide a safe work place.

(K K Rao Engg Works Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad. Tel: 040-27170950. Fax: 91-40-27152495. Email:

Manufacturing Range

1. Core & Coil Assembly - the different coils of a transformer limb are separately assembled together and the complete set of coils is lowered on the core limb. The core and the coil assembly is rigidly supported and clamped by fabricated end frame structures.

2. High Voltage Power Transformers up to 220 kV range - generator transformers, station transformers and unit auxiliary transformers and multi-winding transformers.

3. Power Transformers up to 33 k - sub-station transformers and industrial transformers.

4. Distribution Transformers up to 11 kV - distribution transformers of CSP and conventional type.

Electrical Equipment Sector Maintains Growth at 16.6% During Q1 2011-2012: IEEMA

The Indian electrical equipment manufacturing industry registered a growth of 16.6% during Q1 of FY 2011-2012, maintaining almost the same quarter of 2010-2011, which stood at 16.73%. Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers' Association (IEEMA), the apex Indian industry association of manufacturers of electrical, industrial electronics and allied equipment, has based these growth figures, after rigorous analysis, on the production and sales data collected from its member organisations, which represent 95% of the entire sector.

Mr Vimal Mahendru, President, IEEMA, said the industry was passing through a challenging phase. On one hand, there was the huge opportunity presented by the mandated 'Electricity for All by 2012', and yet, the challenge of meeting this inspiring goal within the balance time of this financial year was becoming a daunting task. While the electrical equipment industry was geared with production capacity, it seemed that procedural delays in releasing timely tenders and contracts, and runaway cost escalation due to price of commodity inputs were holding back electrification of the country. With China and Korea gaining a strong presence, the industry was looking to a huge challenge, in spite of the promising opportunities in front of it. Mr Mahendru also added that, "I am optimistic that the government is cognizant of these challenges and is keen to pave the way for exponential growth in the sector, in spite of the recent adversities. The fact that the Electrical Equipment Industry Mission Plan 2012-2022 is being inked, and the fact that the Planning Commission is seeking active participation of the private sector in formulation of the 12th Plan, including IEEMA, augurs well and indicates the seriousness with which the government is looking at ensuring success"

Mr Ramesh Chandak Vice-President, IEEMA said, there has been a decrease in growth during the first quarter of this year, barring Rotating machines, Cables and Capacitors. This is a matter of concern for IEEMA. This may be due to the rising interest cost and liquidity position. "We expect the situation to improve in the coming quarters," said Chandak.

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