Surface engineering: Modern tool of smart manufacturing

  • Industry News
  • Oct 30,21
Material surface has a crucial role to play in overall service life of any component. Hence, surface engineering related technologies have gained wide attention of the researchers worldwide, says Dr Umesh R Mhatre.
Surface engineering: Modern tool of smart manufacturing

 Rapid changes in the technology progressively calling for sustainable materials with smarter features, high resistance to wear and tear along with the new functionalities. This is one of the important reasons why the scientific fraternity worldwide is in the quest of smart materials with the unique properties. Demand from different industrial sectors, like the automotive, bio-medical, textile, renewable energy, aeronautical sectors, etc has generated an enormous demand in specific technologies geared towards tailor made materials with unique surface properties. 

In the current state of our engineering industry, it is very well understood that, not just materials but the “smart materials” hold key to our future development. These smart materials cannot be designed merely by modifying bulk properties of the materials. Material surface is also equally important as it continuously interact with the surrounding atmosphere and with other materials in contact. Therefore, material surface has a crucial role to play in overall service life of any component. 

Surfaces are important mainly due to two basic reasons, Firstly, it is on their surfaces, that phenomena like corrosion, wear and fatigue originate and secondly, surfaces determine the chemical, electronic, optical, or mechanical properties of a material. Contemporary engineering challenges demands for efficient and robust at the same time smaller, lighter materials. In the material science world, these terms represent material properties that are totally contradictory. Today, it is well understood that these challenges of modern engineering industry can only be addressed by a combination of the competence of the bulk material and flexibility of tailoring surface properties of these competent materials to perform against the challenging conditions they are subjected to. In this pursuit, surface engineering related technologies have gained wide attention of the researchers worldwide. 

Surface engineering is a field within material science. It comprises various branches of sciences related to chemistry, physics that influence the surface of the materials and alter the surface properties without changing the bulk properties. It has no longer remained only wear and friction related phenomena, but strongly emerging as a discrete branch of modern material engineering with a wide range of cost-effective surface modification technologies. As stated earlier, it is an effective combination of competent materials and novel surface treatments with optimised mechanical, electrical, electrochemical, and biomedical properties. 

A choice of competent bulk material with appropriate surface treatment produces efficient components with desired properties. Bulk material can be made competent by choosing right alloy with suitable heat treatment processes and/or cryogenic treatments. Apart from bulk hardness, crafting perfect and uniform microstructure, management of residual stresses is also equally important to impart basic strength. Surface engineering does not only include deposition or coating technologies, but it is three-fold approach viz. under surface treatments such as nitriding, carburization, ion implantation etc, surface texture preparation treatments such as buffing, lapping, shot peening, electro-polishing, abrasive treatments etc. and above surface treatments such as coatings, oxidation, passivation etc. These possesses can be used individually or in combination as applicable to achieve desired results. 

Among various surface engineering technologies, Physical vapour deposition (PVD) and Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) techniques are the most widely used surface modification techniques by the engineering industry. Particularly a strong impact of these technologies can be very clearly seen in automotive, aerospace, biomedical, plastic processing industries, electrical and electronic industries. These techniques have capability to deposit very hard wear resistant and corrosion resistant coatings by a combination of metals or alloys with reactive gases in ultra-high vacuum environment. To the great extent, these techniques offer flexibility to tailor the surface properties as per the need. 

Cutting and machining tools were among the first to be coated with PVD technology. Titanium Nitride (TiN) was the best suited coating that has proven the improved performance of coated cutting and machining tools during the decade. As the cutting and machining technologies kept on improving upon the high speed and high productivity processing, PVD coating technology has also kept on supporting them with innovative coating solutions that can further improve the performance of modern tools and components. 

Today, for different mechanical operations we can have a separate and dedicated PVD coating solution. Engineering industry has already started enjoying the benefits of these coating to achieve higher productivity and good quality at optimum tool cost. It is very clearly proved that surface engineering by physical vapour deposition technique is a rapidly developing technology with considerable scientific and commercial potential. With more and more technological upgrades, these techniques are made simple and user friendly. Today use of this technology is not only limited to tools, but also gained wide acceptance in various sectors of the industries such as aerospace, optical, pharmaceutical, bio-medical, textile, decorative, chemical etc. Therefore, it is worth to get involved with this technology and enjoy the benefits.

Surface Modification Technologies Pvt Ltd (SMT) is striving to address these technical challenges of future engineering industry through in-house strength of surface engineering expertise with in-depth knowledge of PVD technologies. SMT designs appropriate surface engineering solutions to make the component work under desired working conditions. SMT’s ultimate aim is to address the practical needs of modern industry. We strongly recommend users to find a technology partner that you can trust, work with them to give you the result you need now and for the future. It does not matter how big or small industry you are in, keep updating yourself with futuristic technological achievements that not only benefit yourself but supports the beautiful dream of ‘Make in India’ initiative successfully on the challenging canvas of global engineering. 

About the author:

Dr Umesh R Mhatre is the Managing Director of Surface Modification Technologies Pvt Ltd.

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