MOLDEX, FASTNEX to get launch at IMTEX Forming 2024

  • Industry News
  • Jun 24,23
In a strategic partnership Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Association (IMTMA) and Landesmesse Stuttgart signed an MoU to organise the Moulding Expo, MOLDEX India and fastening and fixing sector trade show, FASTNEX at IMTEX Forming in January 2024.
MOLDEX, FASTNEX to get launch at IMTEX Forming 2024

Bernhard Müller (left) and Jibak Dasgupta shaking hands during the MoU signing ceremony

Indian machine tool industry’s evolution is giving rise to the demand for new technologies in metal forming. IMTEX Forming has always played a catalytic role in the growth of the metal forming business for more than a decade. The metal forming industry landscape includes some important technologies like moulding, fasteners, welding, laser cutting, etc. Expanding the profile of IMTEX Forming would benefit the machine tool and manufacturing industries. In this context, Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Association (IMTMA) has been partnering with domestic and international organisations to co-locate new shows along with IMTEX Forming.

IMTMA and Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH (Messe Stuttgart) announced a partnership to organise MOLDEX India and FASTNEX. Both these shows will be held at Bangalore International Exhibition Centre in Bengaluru along with IMTEX Forming, Tooltech, Digital Manufacturing, and WELDEXPO (organised in association with the Indian Institute of Welding), which takes place from 19 - 23 January 2024.

MOLDEX India is the satellite show of the Moulding Expo Stuttgart/Germany and would highlight the latest advancements and solutions in the field of moulding technology. FASTNEX is a new trade fair for the fastening and fixing sector and will showcase the latest trends in fastening, fixing, joining, and assembly technologies. Both these shows are being held for the first time along with IMTEX Forming.

This remarkable move would strengthen the Indian metal-forming machine tool sector as it would bring the key profiles of moulding technology and fastening and fixing solutions. With this expansion, the combined shows will offer visitors cutting-edge technologies and solutions that would propel the growth of the manufacturing industry, consolidate cross-industry learning, spark innovation, and fuel collaborative partnerships.

MOLDEX and FASTNEX together with IMTEX Forming, Tooltech, Digital Manufacturing and WELDEXPO will provide comprehensive coverage on the entire metal forming and digital manufacturing technologies which are widely used in various industry sectors such as automotive, aerospace, medical, consumer durables, construction, defence and many more. The shows will be able to attract a good number of visitors who can find solutions to their everyday manufacturing needs in one place.

Speaking about the new initiative, Jibak Dasgupta, Director General and CEO, IMTMA said, “Indian metal forming sector which recovered post the pandemic is expected to grow further. The machine tool industry needs to tap the rising demand and develop new technologies to meet the requirements of the user sectors. IMTEX Forming has always played a catalytic role in bringing technologies and with the addition of the new shows the metal forming industry would get a boost and visitors will be able to source all the allied technologies in the industry in one place. IMTMA partnering with Landesmesse Stuttgart to hold MOLDEX and FASTNEX along with IMTEX Forming will enhance the value proposition and provide a platform to showcase innovations and forge collaborations.”

Expressing his views about the development, Bernhard Müller, Executive Vice President and Member of the Management Board of Landesmesse Stuttgart stated, “The integration of MOLDEX India and FASTNEX with IMTEX Forming will strengthen the synergy between various industries and create a comprehensive platform for participants to explore the latest trends and technologies. We are delighted to collaborate with IMTMA and look forward to a successful partnership.”

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