ABB India upgrades Faridabad plant to enhance sustainability efforts

  • Industry News
  • Nov 12,24
The facility has diverted 99% of its waste away from landfill, aligning with the company's long-term sustainability targets of zero waste to landfill.
ABB India upgrades Faridabad plant to enhance sustainability efforts

ABB India’s IEC LV motors business is expanding and transforming the company’s long-established  manufacturing facility in the country. Started in 1951, it now boasts of an expanded modern workplace facility with upgraded shopfloors. IEC LV motors are known as the workhorses of Indian industries and play a crucial role across sectors. The facility has evolved over the decades into a hub for IE3 and IE4 high-energy efficient motors, as well as specialised motors like flameproof motors, smoke extraction motors, crane duty motors, brake motors, etc.
With a strong commitment to sustainability, the 36,000 square meter Faridabad facility has taken the lead in promoting practices that align with this vision. It has embraced renewable energy usage and improved energy efficiency across the plant to achieve a low carbon operation. The realisation of RE100 global commitment to eliminate Scope 2 GHG emissions from its operations was achieved with the utilisation of renewable electricity including inhouse solar power generation of 180 MWh in 2023. The facility's dedication to environmentally friendly practices has earned it the 'Platinum level Green Factory Buildings' certification from the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). Additionally, the facility has diverted 99% of its waste away from landfill, aligning with the company's long-term sustainability targets of zero waste to landfill.
“The recent inauguration and the consistent upgrade of the Faridabad facility not only marks a significant milestone in our long-standing legacy but also underscores our commitment to technology and sustainability. Our deep presence is embodied in our partnerships to enrich the local ecosystem of the supplier base. This location is a key contributor to our energy efficient IE3 and IE4 motors, which now constitute half of our motor orders. Specialised motors like the flameproof motors, manufactured from Faridabad are enhancing the safety of countless installations across India. By investing in community building and energy-efficient solutions, we aim to meet the evolving needs of our customers while contributing positively to the environment”, said Sanjeev Arora, President – Motion Business, ABB India.
ABB India remains focused on enhancing local manufacturing capabilities, productivity, and quality, essential components for competitiveness on the global stage. The adoption of higher efficiency technologies, digitalisation, and automation will play a pivotal role in improving cost efficiency and overall performance. By fostering a supportive ecosystem for technology adoption, ABB is well-positioned to seize emerging opportunities in various sectors, including data centers, pharmaceuticals, and bioethanol.

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