Ultrasonic cleaners

Ultrasonic cleaners

Mumbai-based Roop Telsonic Ultrasonix Limited manufactures ultrasonic cleaners with fully transistorised generator. These cleaners result in uniform output in the rank because of PZT high-performance transducers and pulsed ultrasound. These have the facility of automatic frequency tuning for maximum output, independent of liquid level, temperature and /or parts(s) to be cleaned. These cleaners with low noise level are maintenance-free and are suitable for continuous operation. These cleaners have rugged and easy to clean stainless steel housing. Standard built-in timer with an additional position is useful for continuous operation. These are available with heater and fixed thermostat at approximately 50 deg C. Some of the areas of applications of these units are sieves for pH-electrodes, electronic part and semiconductors, printed circuits relays, timers, magnetic heads, integrated circuits, electrodes, micro switches, spray jets, drills armatures, fuel jets, castings, micro pneumatic parts valves, rotary tools and milling cutters. The various models available and the range of their technical specifications are as follows: * Ultrasonic output power (Watts rms/peak): 70/140 to 600/1,200 * Output power of heater (Watts): 150 to 1,600 * Output frequency (kHz): 33 to 35 * Thermostat (deg C): 50 * Timer (minutes): 0-15 * Outside dimensions L x W x H (mm): 530 x 330 x 350 maximum * Inside dimensions L x W x H (mm): 505 x 300 x 200 * Tank capacity (litres): 1.5 to 28

Products from Roots Multiclean Limited


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Industrial Vacuum Cleaners

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