Bus, Car & Train Washing Systems

Bus, Car & Train Washing Systems

The bus, car and train washing systems from Bakubhai Ambalal operate in a maximum space of 50 m x 5 m. Construction: the washing plant is erected on a concrete flooring of the required a size. The railway line should be straight to make the contact of surfaces uniform. For best results, longer tracks and slower speed of train passing through the system needed. Clean and soft water is a mandatory requirement. It is advisable to perform chemical analysis of water available at site to determine if a water treatment plant is needed. Recycling of water used for washing is highly recommended, to minimise the consumption of fresh water. Pneumatic pressure for proper contact and maintaining constant pressure between the bristles of the brushes and external surface of coach is essential. Other features include: PLC controlled fully automatic systems; modification of washing cycle possible by re-programming; user friendly systems, easy to operate and maintain; lower labour costs and water consumption; no imported components and hence competitive prices; water consumption of 600-762 ltr per minute depending on rake length and condition; and 75 HP power consumption excluding air compressors.

Products from Bakubhai Ambalal


Pusher Centrifuges

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Vertical Centrifuges

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Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


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Rotary Broaching Tool

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Polygon Turning Machine

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