Biomedical Waste Incinerator

Biomedical Waste Incinerator

B L Engineering is a well-known manufacturer and trader of Biomedical Waste Incinerators. This incinerator can be used to manage materials that cannot be disposed of properly in normal course. It is used in hospitals, medical colleges, pharmaceutical and chemical industries that generate such waste. Other dangerous and harmful materials can be broken down in this incinerator, like confiscated drugs, radioactive waste, and contaminant. This incinerator is available at industry leading prices within stipulated time frame. The two-stage incineration begins in the primary chamber and includes drying/vaporisation, ignition, and combustion of the refuse. As the burning proceeds, the moisture and volatile components of the fuel are vaporised and are partially oxidised in passing from the primary or ignition chamber to the secondary chamber via ducting the volatile components of the refuse along with the combustion products flows down to the secondary chamber where the secondary air is introduced. The combination of adequate temperature and additional air, augmented by secondary burners as necessary, assists in initiating the second stage of the combustion process. Turbulent mixing, resulting from the restricted flow areas and abrupt changes in flow direction, furthers the gaseous phase reaction. The change in direction also allows expansion and final combustion of the combustible components. The Blu-Tek furnace volumes are designed large enough to provide the retention time needed for complete combustion of the gases. Thus, the incinerators are capable of successfully obliterating the organic matter and achieving the combustion efficiency of 99.99%.

Products from B L Engineering


Rotary Kiln Incinerator

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Mobile Incinerator

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Rotary Broaching Tool

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