Polymeric cold welding compound for casting repairs

Polymeric cold welding compound for casting repairs

FX-738 from Qu-Con Inc is a 100% solid metal reinforced polymeric compound from USA, to mend blow holes, one of major costing defects associated at manufacturing stage, resulting in heavy rejections. This can be used for cold welding of blowholes and cracks in mild steel, graded cast iron, SG iron, and stainless steel as well as some of exotic alloy steel. The cured repaired portion becomes an integral part of main body. It can be milled, cut turned on lathe, drilled, tapped, reamed, filed and painted. FX-738 is chemically resistant to most of organic and non-organic chemicals, mild acids, alkalis, solvents, salts, and hydrocarbons. It exhibits high compressive strength of 17200 PSI, flexural strength in excess of 17200 PSI and lap shear of 2400 PSI, and as a result, is very good structural repair epoxy for parts subjected to heavy vibration. It can be used at temperature up to 250?C and withstands 20 bar pressure. The application needs no special tools, equipments or training. It is very useful and economical in waste control and salvaging already machined or under machining components. It is ideal for foundries, pumps and valves manufacturers, machine tool manufactures, motor and compressor manufacturers, textile process houses and chemical process plants for the reliable failsafe instant repairs. High temperature pyro-putty is also available for repairs of parts exposed to up to 1300?C.

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