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Numag Data Systems offers Portlock Hardware Lock For Software. It is a dongle that connects on to the printer port of PC. It is used to protect the software from piracy. It remains transparent to the printer operation. The system uses a fully encapsulated encrypter, which is exercised through the parallel port of the PC and software module that allows the user program to check for the presence of Portlock on the parallel port. Based on the result from this check, user program can take appropriate decision regarding further execution of the program. This software module works on DOS/Windows 9X/XPINT platforms. Each Portlock is uniquely encrypted and assigned a serial number at the manufacturing stage. The software modules are specifically generated for each lock at the time of despatch. In case of mass produced software, the integration of software with hardware lock can be done at one instance and multiple locks with same code number can be used. The Portlock software consists of two components: a device driver and a VC++ OBJ module is specifically compiled for the particular lock module.
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INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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