Outdoor VCB - Porcelain Clad, 36 KV

Outdoor VCB - Porcelain Clad, 36 KV

On Load Gears offers porcelain clad Outdoor VCB, 36 kV. Technical description: VS 36 is three phase outdoor, porcelain clad vacuum circuit breaker, with a continuous current carrying capacity of up to 1600 A. It consists mainly of the three phase poles, mounted on a strong box section steel frame, under which is mounted the operating mechanism. The whole breaker is supported from the ground by a steel structure, designed to give the minimum physical clearance to ground specified by the buyer. The phase poles contain the vacuum interrupter, and immediately below the contact compression spring, the whole of this assemble being connected to a counter shaft by an insulated link housed within the porcelain. The counter shaft is in turn driven by the stored energy of the spring charged mechanism. The mechanism has provision for holding one closing operation in store at time, a well designed latch ensures positive latching and a very light, and foil proof, tripping. Features: the input and output leads are connected to the VCB through integral connector pads, facing opposite direction. The connector pads ensures very low temperature rise. The porcelains are generously dimensioned for ensuring a high safety factor, for both electrical and mechanical loading. The box section main frame forms a stiff beam, against both bending and torsion caused by the heavy contact loads and high impacts inherent in VCB technology. The operating mechanism offer, besides the usual manual close and emergency trip facilities, also solenoid coils for remote operation, and for operation with protective relays. While the closing spring is manually charged in the standard execution, it is possible to outfit a universal electric drive, as an option. A positively driven auxiliary switch has adequate number of potential free contacts for buyers use. Mechanically driven flags are provided for showing the operating mode of the breaker, (i.e., on/off), and the status of the closing springs (i.e., free/charged). The mechanism, housing, as well as the active porcelain clad poles, are protected to IP55. The company also offers Tapchanger Type ABS, 11 kV, Porcelain Clad Outdoor VCB, 12 KV, etc.

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