Automatic Power Factor Correction Systems

Automatic Power Factor Correction Systems

Baron Power offers Automatic Power Factor Correction Systems. Design features: de-tuned Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) system with harmonic trapping inductors for harmonic levels up to 10%; de-tuned APFC system with series reactors for harmonic level above 10%; tuned APFC system with matching reactors for power factor correction and harmonic suppression. Benefits of APFC systems are twofold: Direct benefits - reduction of maximum demand kVA registered for the system loads; power factor penalty and rebate/direct EB bill reduction for KVAHr consumer; reduction in kWH consumption; and accelerated depreciation benefit can be availed in the first year itself. Indirect benefits include: reduces down time and improves performance of components; avoidance of end termination darkening or burn-outs due to reduced apparent current; avoidance of motor winding failures due to reduced apparent current; longer life for all electrical circuits, cables, busbars, switches, motors, etc; and reduced I2R line losses. APFC systems are available in wide ranges from 20 KVAR to 1200 KVAR in single module, and multi module construction for higher ratings, in various types: wall mounting, cubical, dynamic (RTPFC/thyristor switched); passive de-tuned harmonic filter systems; passive tuned harmonic filter systems; active harmonic filters; automatic triple harmonic filter systems, etc. APFC systems with data acquisition module to store all parameters of power for 90 days; and with communication port and GSM modem for auto alarm signalling and data transmission are also available.

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