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Josts Engineering Company offers new PFL 40 series, feature packed cable fault locating and high voltage testing system. With growing demand for electricity and security of supply, more and more pressure is being applied to the power industry to reduce ?customer minutes lost?. The unit has been developed in response to this power industry demand. A compact, filed proven powerful, safe, advanced fault locating system, encompassing modern fault location techniques and methods. The Megger PFL satisfies all of these requirements: diagnosis and testing; prelocation; fault conditioning; pinpoint location; and post repair testing. It defines the next generation of equipment for compact cable fault locating and HV testing. It is a rugged and reliable solution for quickly identifying, classifying finding faults over a wide range of power cables. The prime objective of any cable fault system is to provide effective, accurate and safe fault location, thereby reducing system outage and ? customer minutes lost?. This complete, compact, fully integrated system meets power industry requirements. The Megger CFL line also includes a pinpoint fault locator family, designated the MPP100/1001/1002. The MPP pinpoint faults using the acoustic method. Additional the MPP 1001 and MPP 1002 increase accuracy by utilizing ?time of flight? measurements (acoustic and electromagnetic). This method analyses the time difference between both these signals providing extremely accurate pinpoint fault location. By utilising the second ground microphone distance as well as direct to fault is displayed. Customers can also trace the actual cable route by purchasing a Megger fault tracer.
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INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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