Portable Balancer

Portable Balancer

SBS Precision Systems (India) offers the Schmitt SB-1700 portable balancer. Product highlights: manual balance aid for grinding wheels, fans, turbines, etc; simple mounting and operation; fast and accurate balance analysis; dual plane balance capability; rugged design; and operates from 30 to 60,000 RPM. All items store in convenient carrying bag. The system comes with a single vibration sensor for single plane balancing. To add dual plane balance capability, simply purchase an additional vibration sensor and plug it in. The device uses a laser speed sensor that is safe and easy to set-up and use, and works from a comfortable distance (0.1-2.0 mtr) from rotating machinery. Vibration display includes selectable units, with available English or metric and acceleration or displacement units. The vibration sensor included in the system is accurate, reliable, and small enough to fit into tight areas. It offers speed, simplicity and reliability all with one instrument that pays for itself again and again. Features: a rugged vibration measurement and balance kit one can use on all rotating equipment, including grinding wheels, fans, turbines, and other devices; provides balance measurement and analysis and tells the user where to add, remove, or position weights to achieve balance; includes all items needed to immediately start balancing faster and more efficiently; simple to use software provides just what is needed to monitor vibration and perform balance operations as needed, without unnecessary complexity; and dual plane capable standard hardware and software.

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