IPF Online - Industrial Products Finder
Uniphos Envirotronic Private Limited

Uniphos Envirotronic Pvt Ltd offers a wide range of LPG/CNG portable Leak Detectors, Fixed/Online Gas Monitoring System for flammable gases and other gases and a variety of Portable & personal Monitor Read More

Free Fatty Acid Meter
Free Fatty Acid Meter

Uniphos FFA Meter is a microprocessor based electronic instruments where measured data can be stored in the instrument and can be downloaded on the computer later. Free fatty acid is another important read more

Peroxide Value Meter
Peroxide Value Meter

R-O-O-R peroxides oxidize Fe++ ions. The Fe+++ ions resulting from oxidation are grouped and form a red complex. Its colorimetric intensity, measured at 505 nm, is directly proportional to the concent read more

Grain Moisture Meter
Grain Moisture Meter

The Grain Moisture Meter is a microprocessor based highly versatile instrument to measure the moisture content in grains. The instrument is pre-programmed to measure the water content in 5 different t read more

Oil Spectrophotometer
Oil Spectrophotometer

Uniphos Envi Rotronic Pvt. Ltd. offers Oil Spectrophotometer. The fats and oils obtain metal contents from soils where the plants are grown and after that from contact equipment during crushing, proce read more

Phosphine Personal Monitor
Phosphine Personal Monitor

The Uniphos 350 Phosphine Personal Gas Monitor is a simple and compact instrument, designed to detect the presence of Phosphine in the fumigation area. read more

COD Analyzer
COD Analyzer

The COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) is a term used to measure the quality of water. It is a measure of water pollution resulting from organic matter. This parameter is defined as the amount of oxygen (in read more

Portable Breath Alcohol Analyser
Portable Breath Alcohol Analyser

The Uniphos - 395 Breath Alcohol Analyser is a microprocessor based hand-held instrument, which measures the blood alcohol content in a person who has consumed alcohol. It is done by measuring the bre read more

Flammable Gas Monitoring System
Flammable Gas Monitoring System

The Uniphos 499 Flammable Gas Monitoring System is a novel state of the art leak detection system. Designed for permanent installation, the unit is able to monitor the presence of combustible gases su read more

Digital Transmitter
Digital Transmitter

The Uniphos-5OO(DT) Digital Gas Transmitter is a microprocessor based smart transmitter with an easy to read back-lit LCD display. The transmitter provides an RS- 485 digital output (enabling low cost read more

Gas Detector Tube
Gas Detector Tube

The Gas Detector Tube system consists of two parts viz, gas detector tube and air sampling pump. The detector tube is a glass tube filled with gas specific sensing chemical and sealed at both ends. Th read more

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