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Filtra Teknopak Cleanroom Systems Limited

Aluminium ducting systems, pre-fabricated & pre-insulated
Aluminium ducting systems, pre-fabricated & pre-insulated

Filtra Teknopak Cleanroom Systems has introduced pre-fabricated and pre-insulated aluminium ducting systems manufactured by P3 SRL, Italy. P3ductal ducts have been designed on the basis of specific te read more

Bunsen burner
Bunsen burner

Filtra Teknopak Cleanroom Systems offers a Bunsen burner, Flam-O-Matic. Features: this flamer is specifically designed for the bacteriologist, easy to use and guarantee the maximum safety; safety valv read more


Filtra Teknopak undertakes to design and build cleanrooms on a turnkey basis right from conceptualisation, engineering design, execution to testing and validation of cleanrooms including HVAC systems. read more

Microbiological air sampler
Microbiological air sampler

Filtra Teknopak Cleanroom Systems offers a dual head portable microbiological air sampler. Principle of operation: air is aspirated through a detachable cover which has been machined with multiple hol read more

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