Microbiological air sampler

Microbiological air sampler

Filtra Teknopak Cleanroom Systems offers a dual head portable microbiological air sampler. Principle of operation: air is aspirated through a detachable cover which has been machined with multiple holes to a special design. The air flow which is created through these holes is laminar. The design of the sampler head is such that micro-organisms in the air are impelled by the air velocity onto the agar surface of a contact plate of petridish. After the sample is taken, the plate or petridish is incubated at the appropriate temperature for the required time. The colonies are then visible to the naked eye and can be counted. This count is then used to calculate the number of the colony forming units per cubic meter of air. Performances: a single body with two aspirating heads; the high flow rate of 360 litres per minute (180+180 litres) is ideal for low contamination environments; two different media types (ie, total bacterial count and mould/yeast media) can be used for simultaneous samples; up to ten sequential sampling cycles for "in operation" monitoring, according to USP recommendations; faster sampling: 1000 litres of air in less than 3 minutes, where time is an important issue; up to 18 cubic metres of air/hour can be monitored in different cycles; same air sampling method and technology as the well known surface air system; it can be used either with 55 mm standard contact plates, 84 mm maxi contact plates or 90 mm standard petri dishes.

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