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ASEC Solutions

Flow Leak Testers
Flow Leak Testers

ASEC Solutions offers a Flow Leak Testers – ET 97W, from For Test, Italy, representing the best solution on the market in terms of precision, flexibility and execution speed of tests with measure in read more

Torque Sensor For Screw Systems
Torque Sensor For Screw Systems

ASEC Solutions offers Torque Sensor For Screw Systems from Lorenz Messtechnik GmbH, Germany, a leading provider of sensors and system solutions for the measurement of force and torque. The company off read more

Micro Leak Tester ET07 & Remote Control
Micro Leak Tester ET07 & Remote Control

Asec Solutions offers a Micro Leak Tester ET07 and Vision Box (remote control for ET07) from For Test, Italy. This is absolutely unique in the world and externally it is similar to a common pressure t read more

Universal Leak Tester
Universal Leak Tester

The ET 99W Universal Leak Tester from Italy known by its aesthetics and technology. The new version of ET99W is placed to the apex of the instrumentation for leak tests. This new instrument of cont read more

Transducer for Measuring Clamping Forces
Transducer for Measuring Clamping Forces

Model Type K-180 is a compression force transducer for measuring fastener screw clamping forces for measuring stainless steel washers well repeatability in ranges 15 ..500 kN. Lorenz Messtechnik Gm read more

Torque Sensor, Contact Less Rotating
Torque Sensor, Contact Less Rotating

Lorenz Messtechnik GmbH is a leading provider of sensors and system solutions for the measurement of force and torque. The company offers different ranges of contact less rotating torque sensors. T read more

Micro Leak Tester & Vision Box
Micro Leak Tester & Vision Box

For Test, Italy offers a leak tester, which is absolutely unique in the world, and externally it is similar to a common pressure transducer, but internally it holds the best electronic technology for read more

Force Sensors for Press-In Force Monitoring
Force Sensors for Press-In Force Monitoring

Lorenz Messtechnik GmbH is a leading provider of sensors and system solutions for the measurement of force and torque. The company offers force sensors and instruments for press-in force monitoring. T read more

Torque Sensor
Torque Sensor

Lorenz Messtechnik GmbH is a leading provider of sensors and system solutions for the measurement of force and torque. The company offers different ranges of rotating contact-less torque sensors. Thes read more

Universal Leak Tester
Universal Leak Tester

The new version leak tester, Model ET99W from Italy, is placed at the apex of instrumentation for leak tests. This new instrument of control in pressure decreases uses algorithms of advanced calculati read more

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