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Suhner India Pvt Ltd noise absorbent Flexible Shafts for Power Seats in automobiles. Less noise, less vibrations, less distractions, more comfort; all this is required in the today’s global automotive industry. The power seat manufacturers are demanding innovation on the level of the component manufacturer. Using patented innovations in conjunction with state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies, Suhner addresses these needs as the leader in the industry. Through scientific experiments in R&D laboratory as well as through a well-respected US university, Suhner has found the ideal combination of materials together with the best manufacturing techniques. Its research found that the main noise source is the drive motor and its load, so the mission was to dampen these noise levels with the components that Suhner is manufacturing – the flexible drive shaft that is rotating inside a plastic casing. Again, the combination of materials used together with “how†they are manufactured is real secret to the lowest noise levels for the entire power seat system. Fine tuning of many other factors helped to achieve the lowest noise pressure levels in the power seat industry. Suhner is a global organisation with manufacturing of silent power seat flex shafts on four continents.
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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