Flexible Shaft Machines – Versatile From The Outset


Flexible Shaft Machines – Versatile From The Outset

There are many more reasons why more and more users in the field of surface machining and finishing of stainless steel choose flexible shaft machines. One of the reasons is the convincing concept: The drive and the tool are separated from one another. The powerful, rugged drive machine is stationary at the workplace; the tool lies lightly in the hand and the two are connected by the flexible shaft making an extremely high degree of flexibility possible. Those are the best prerequisites for non-fatiguing working even at poorly accessible places. The separation of drive and tool is also the reason for the broad spectrum of flexible-shaft machine applications. With a wide array of tool holders and tools cutting, grinding, buffing, milling, deburring, brushing and polishing can be done with a single machine. From the rugged chip cutting to the finest finish; and from large surface areas to the smallest corners. By comparison with maintaining an entire arsenal of single purpose machines, this concept permits the reduction of investment costs. To be able to offer the right drive machine for every field of application the Suhner product range includes a wide assortment of machines of different power ratings: three mobile machines for connections to main power outlets for an on-road use. The smallest, which goes by the name Minifix has a power rating of 500 W. With its 1700 W the Rotostar III brings real power into play. Six different machines with power ratings of between 1.0 to 3.2 kW are available for stationary operation. In addition to single speed machines, gear-changing machines with up to 7 gears, as well as a powerful machine with stepless speed control and two flexible shaft connections are available. With the large choice of machines, various shafts, tool holders, angle grinders and belt grinders, in conjunction with a gigantic assortment of abrasives, an optimal combination can be configured for every abrasive application.

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