Reverse Osmosis Plant

Reverse Osmosis Plant

Coron Engineers offer Reverse Osmosis Plant. Its advantages are incomparable for its stability and durability; consistent treated water quality; wide range of models for easy selection; increased life span of equipments, machines, etc; simple to install and operate; and require minimum amount of maintenance and service. Reverse osmosis (RO) is the first water purification technology in the world. It involves the passage of water from the section containing lower concentration of ionic substances to a higher concentration section when a semi-permeable membrane separates the two. In RO, sufficient pressure is applied to force the water to flow through the membrane in a reverse direction. Screening out dissolved salts and other containments produces this pure water. It can improve the colour, taste and other properties of feed water. It can also remove high percentage of dissolved contaminants - molecule by molecule - from water, RO is a cross flow (also called tangential flow) filtration system with the feed water flowing parallel to the membrane instead of perpendicular to it. So the reject water sweeps the rejected salts away from the membrane surface ensuring that the pores do not set easily clogged.

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Polygon Turning Machine

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