Shot Blasting Machine for Railway Coach Frames

Shot Blasting Machine for Railway Coach Frames

Mec Shot Blasting Equipments has recently added another Shot Blasting Machine, this one airless spinner hanger type, to its basket of products. This is meant for blast cleaning of railway passenger coach bogie frame and body bolster. The main feature of these compact and vibration free machines is that each occupies 16 sq.m space area and only maximum 7 mtr height used to blast clean 4.5 mtr long and 3 mtr wide bogie frame of 3 tonnes, spinning vertically at 2 to 5 RPM by 4 high powered blast wheels to achieve 16 bogie frames within an 8-hour shift of a day with dust emission less than 20 milligrams per normal meter cubic air for healthy environment. The whole plant is designed on auto mode after loading the component for cleaning approximately 600 sq.m area within a day, continuous duty operating with total 137.5 kW power. To handle such a high volume, heavy weight and momentum job within constrained area, an overhead Y track type monorail conveyor with pneumatically operated changer system is designed keeping the minimum clearances wherever required safety point of view for higher travelling as well as lifting speed for a short distance of job for sudden frequent number of starts and stops. Thus this giant machine has very tidy movement of work handling system. The specific abrasive recycling system is thought for shortest path of abrasive flow with a very shallow pit for easy and quick periodic maintenance, since the shot blasting machines are self destructive machines.

Products from Mec Shot Blasting Equipments Private Limited


Shot Blasting Machine for Huge Castings

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Belt Tumbler

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Needle Cleaning

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For Submersible Pump Casing

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