Abrasive Blast System

Abrasive Blast System

Synco offers abrasive blast systems. To meet the differing requirements of a wide range of industries, often working within limited capital expenditure budgets, a flexible design is the key to building a cost-effective blast room. The multi-purpose blastroom is a walk-in enclosure designed to accommodate other processes in addition to abrasive blasting, such as painting or metal spraying. Synco's latest waffle-floor blast room system involves pneumatic recovery of abrasives. It ventilates the enclosure with a continuous downdraught of air and removes used media, dust and debris. Reusable media is recycled automatically back to the blast nozzle, thereby minimising media consumption, while degraded material and debris are removed. Because there are no moving parts, the system is maintenancefree and the floor design eliminates the need for pre-loading with non-recoverable blast media. Since no pits are needed for installation of the system, enclosures can be mounted directly onto factory floors, saving installation costs and time. Synco also manufactures various other types of custom built blasting machines of both pneumatic and airless centrifugal blasting type. It also takes up turnkey projects to meet the customers blasting/shot peening requirements as per the particular inhouse production rate.

Products from Synco Industries Limited


Deflashing Machine

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Blasting Nozzles

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Nozzles for Blast Cleaning, Synborcano

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Spares for Surface Finishing Equipments

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


Perforated Metal Facades

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Rotary Broaching Tool

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Polygon Turning Machine

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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