Zinc Spray Galvanising


Zinc Spray Galvanising

Sagar Sand Blasting And Metallising offers Zinc Spray Galvanising. Zinc wire spraying / spray metallsing is highy recommended for the production of iron and steel against any type of corrosion the life of the steel structure protected by spraying zinc with a coating of 120 microns is increased by about 45 years under normal atmosphere and about 25 years under heavy corrosive / marine conditions. Zinc wire plays a fundamental role in anti corrosion because of tis inherent resisitance to the aggressiveness of the environment and also by virtue of the exceptionally achieve protection which it imparts to steel compared to paint coating. Zinc wire spray coating provides an excellent base for soldering goods electrical conducitivity and also acts as an electro magnetic shield. The parity of our sinc wire is either 99.99% (+) or 99.995% (+) as may be required, depending upon the end use. Our high purity & special grade zinc wire manufactured by using 99.99% (+) purity special high grade virigin zinc metal is highly recommended and most suitable for spraying using flame spray or are spray process an iron and steel for porection against corrosion andfor end sealingfo capacitor elements and various other use.


Products from Sagar Sand Blasting And Metalising


Silica Blasting

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Aluminium Metalizing

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Epoxy Coating

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Rotary Broaching Tool

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Polygon Turning Machine

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