Greasing equipment

Greasing equipment

Vidarbha Star Engineering Equipments, a company in Nagpur, offers Turbo brand mobile greasing equipment for various industrial uses. The frequency of greasing is very low or if certain type of grease is used, it is very expensive to go for automatic systems with hose reels. Turbo has a complete range of mobile and stationary greasing equipments from 5 to 20 kg capacity mounted on trolleys with excellent finish. This is portable greasing equipment for greasing automobiles, dumpers and earth moving vehicles. This is a hand operated pump for pumping grease with a pressure of 200 kg/cm^2. The equipment is sleek, versatile and easy for portability with smooth operation. All the parts of the pump are machined with stringent quality control. The pump is operated by a handle, which can be removed and kept in the trolley. Grease under pressure is ejected from the container due to the up and down movement of the handle. The pressurised grease from the container passes through a high-pressure hose of length 2 metres and through the gun at the other end to the nipple with higher pressure.

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Greasing Equipment, Mobile

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