Pressure Sand/Activated Carbon Filters

Pressure Sand/Activated Carbon Filters

Environmental Products (India) offers pressure sand filters that are of standard engineering designs conforming to ISI standards. The material of construction for the pressure vessels is of four different varieties namely mild steel/stainless steel 304, 316/FRP (Fibre Reinforced Plastic) HDPE (High Density Polyethylene). The filtration plants meet the stringent demands of pure water for domestic and industrial use. These filters ensure maximum performance and require minimum floor space. Every component is designed for optimum operational efficiency throughout its long and corrosion-free life. Non-corrosive material of construction allows filtration of wide range of feed water including sea water. The unique internal distribution system allows the usage of diverse types of filter media such as sand, granular activated carbon, green sand, etc. Flow rates range from 250 ltr/hr to 3,00,000 ltr/hr according to the capacity required. The filter media employed is clean, sieved, graded quartz sand, as quartz sand has a unique property which doesn't allow the trapped suspended solids in the water to stick to it and thus are easily removed.

Products from Environmental Products (India) Private Limited


Filtration Plant

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Water Softener, DM–DI

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