Profiled Linear Roller Guideways

Profiled Linear Roller Guideways

Schneeberger India Pvt Ltd offers Profiled Linear Roller Guideways, Monorail MR. The very precise Monorail profiled guide ways are used worldwide in many machine tool applications. A widespread product program is covering the requirements from small manipulators till heavy chipping processes. High rigidity, great dynamic and static load carrying capacity, outstanding running smoothness and the total enclosure of the carriage are the main features of the Monorail guideway. These properties result in higher machining rates while enhancing geometrical accuracy and surface quality of the machined work pieces. The highly rigid Monorail provides improved vibration behaviour, smaller vibration amplitudes and thus extends tool life. Advantages: special set processing through system grinding and paired rails supporting high accurate machines; single piece rail length up to 6 m; final dry grinding process of carriage mechanical interface, no change of preload during assembly and operation; superior rail straightness as a result of advanced grinding and straightening technology; through-hardened carriages for long-lasting product properties, no loss of preload for constant machine execution; optimised path geometries for rollers and transitions for quiet, smooth operation; and low drag wipers to protect rollers against the environment-corrosion resistance with specially thin dense chrome-plating optional. The company stresses that it sells competence and know-how, not standard products. With the first linear guideways conceived and developed by Schneeberger over 90 years ago, the foundation was established for the worldwide linear technology of today. The original guidelines for the construction of linear guideways defined the criteria for load bearing capacity, reliability and economy. These Schneeberger guidelines quickly became industry standards, which are still valid today. The company also offers Linear Bearings, Gear Racks, Linear Roller Guide Ways, Profiled Guideway, etc.

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