Raw Edge Cogged Belts

Raw Edge Cogged Belts

Escon International Pvt Ltd offers Raw Edge Cogged Belts. Excellent efficiency and long life have made these belts overwhelmingly attractive and hence fast replacing other types of belts in the class of applications for which these are suitable. The design of cogs reduces the bending resistance significantly thereby enabling use of pulleys with smaller dia, i.e., up to 20% less than used with conventional V-belts for same type of application. In addition decreased bending resistance reduces mechanical losses during bending leading to improved power transmission and lower working temperatures. Heat dissipation is further increased due to cogs including turbulence in surrounding air resulting in a swirling action, which enhances cooling because of which pulleys and bearings run cooler. The traction properties and transverse rigidity are improved because base of the raw edge belt is filled with anisotropically oriented fibre filled composite. Because of this fact cogged belts can run at surface speed up to 35 m/sec. These belts give more life and more power transmission because of better grip, less slippage and almost two to three times the life of conventional V-belts there by eliminating unwanted breakdowns for smooth running of plant. The company offers a range of mechanical power transmission products that includes: classical V-belts; wedge belts; raw edge cogged belts for automotive and industrial applications; wrapped belts for automobiles; fractional horse power belts; harvester combine belts; and double V-belts. These products are manufactured with stringent quality controls. Besides original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), these are used by cement industries, engineering industries, thermal power plants, sugar plants, railways, steel industries, textiles, defense and are also exported.

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