Sound Proof Enclosures

Sound Proof Enclosures

The acoustical enclosure for compressor is one of the most demanded and appreciated products, used to reduce the sound to a minimum of 5-8 dB (A). The sound control enclosures consist of pre-fabricated mounted type unit with acoustical doors that will cover the compressor. The enclosure outer walls generally consist of 1.6-2.5mm thickness of mild steel sheeting and are internally insulated to meet the requirements. The insulation material can vary from rock wool covered with perforated metal to foams and composites. Certain characteristics of sound control enclosures are as follows:

  • Maintenance free
  • Rugged
  • Durable
  • Fire resistance

  • Hinged or lift off doors with single or double seals
  • Single or double glazed windows
  • Louvers to minimize water entry and maximize air flow through the enclosure
  • Vibration isolation - rubber mounted
  • Internal partitions - from sheet steel
  • Proper Ventilation and cooling
  • Multiple Access points
  • Weather louvers, acoustic louvers, splitter and baffles are provided to suppress the noise where required.
  • Mesh openings to stop vermin and vandalism
  • Fuel tanks - day units or base type provided with fittings
  • Ventilation - by means of an auxiliary fan
  • Inlet filters - replaceable and panel types

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