Pump Performance Testing System, Automated

Pump Performance Testing System, Automated

Gayathiri Computer Solutions offers an automated Pump Performance Testing System is meant for testing the performance of pumps using computer automatically. The system incorporates software suitable for Windows98/Windows XP and Vista operating system, which captures various parameters like flow rate, pressure for suction and delivery, voltage, current, active power, frequency and speed and the valve position can be controlled automatically through the software. So without manual involvement, through the software itself, the entire pump testing operation can be performed. The software displays pump efficiency and motor efficiency. Pump test can be carried out either with 50 Hz or with 60 Hz frequency with the help of VFD. Using VFD the pump can be On and Off through software and also test to be carried out bypass of VFD control to normal voltage regulation dimmer to test the lower and upper voltage performance. Essential features: pump parameters are monitored and displayed continuously - by varying flow rate/head, a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 readings shall be required to plot performance curve; the test captured data shall be modified; and the test data for previously tested pumps shall be viewed. The duty point specifications of the pump should be fed into the software for quality checking. Test motor calibration details shall be pre-fed and also the pump loading region can be viewed. For the captured data, the calculation steps for calculating rated total head, rated flow rate, rated pump input and pump efficiency can be viewed and printed. Benefits: Measurement Accuracy is good as compared with manual measurement and data entry; Minimises skilled man power requirement; Time saving and generation of quality Graph; and software output reports and graphs shall be sent through email in PDF format.

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