Plug Fans

Plug Fans

Mittal Blowers India Private Limited offers Plug Fans. Backward-inclined centrifugal wheels are designed to provide efficient and reliable operation for commercial and industrial applications. They are suitable for supply, exhaust, or recirculation systems. In most instances, plug fans are unhoused and rely on the plenum space around the wheel to direct airflow as required in the system. This style of fan is designed with the motor, bearings, and drives out of the airstream, which allows for use in clean, contaminated, or high temperature systems. Operating Range: Volumetric flow capacity up to 150000 m3 /hr, Maximum pressures of 150 mm wc, Maximum operating temperature of 300°C, Belt or direct drive, Horizontal or vertical mounting.


  • Heating and air conditioning systems
  • High temperature processes such as ovens, dryers and kilns
  • Spray booth evaporators and textile dust collectors
  • Air curtains • Custom air handlers • Wash systems


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