Pattern Matching System

Pattern Matching System

Acrifab Pvt. Ltd. offers Pattern Matching System.

  • Smart Camera with in-built processor and LCD Display

    • Smart Camera is having in-built software for pattern matching and for checking the presence/Absence of sub-assembly of a part. It also can be used for color based sorting machine
    • The Camera is having compact body so can be fixed according to space on the machine as well as is having inbuilt LCD
    • The software is rigid and user-friendly at operator level. Only single time teach good product, Set matching percentage and run the machine that’s it
    • Smart Camera gives rejection output from itself for sorting/rejection purpose

  • PC Based Camera system which includes

    • High Resolution Ethernet Camera
    • Mega-Pixel Vision Optics
    • High Intensity Illumination
    • Industrial PC with high Configuration
    • Sensors
    • Air/Piston based Rejection System
  • The system is having Software for making decision according pre-defined Criteria
  • We have VISION Match-IT software. The software is designed especially for pattern Matching
  • This PC based system is having benefit over smart camera that we can customize software according to client’s requirement
  • Camera, Optics and Illumination are used mainly for grabbing images of moving objects on the conveyor belt at high speed. Then camera transfers images to the Industrial PC (I-PC)
  • A sensor is used to synchronize vision system with the machine
  • There is software in the I-PC processes and inspects particular image of the product/object and check that inspection criteria are fulfilled or not
  • If the product is failed to fulfill pre-defined inspection criteria, Software generates Rejection signal and transfers that signal to the Rejection system so that product is rejected and stores values or images in report file which can be rejected
  • Rejection System may be Air based or Piston based, depending upon weight and dimension of the product. On receiving a rejection signal, rejection system rejects/sorts particular defective product from the production line

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