Offline Industrial Oil Filtration System

Offline Industrial Oil Filtration System

Bhagyashree Accessories Private Limited manufactures Offline Industrial Oil Filtration System, Super Kleen. This system is widely used in various industries for purifying different types of oils. This system is capable of removing solid (fine) contamination from different industrial oil. Features: removes impurities from oil 25 microns and below; centrifuge spins at 2500 to 3800 RPM converting oil pressure into rotational energy, which separates all impurities in oil and deliver cleaner oil; and the contaminated/dirty oil is circulated through centrifuge for removal of contaminants and cleaned oil returns to the tank after necessary number of passes through centrifuge. Benefits of offline industrial oil filtration system: removes insoluble fine particles as described and prevents clogging of system; the heat transfer rate is enhanced by preventing cracking of insolubles to form scales on heat transfer surface; power consumption is reduced for pumping cleaner fluid which lowers the cost of operating system; and prevents clogging of oil at inlet/outlet and sticking to internal surfaces of flow path. Bhagyashree Accessories Private Limited is one of the trusted names in the market for manufacturing, exporting and supplying a comprehensive range of online centrifugal lube oil cleaners and engine mounted fuel water separators. The company also has capabilities to undertake and execute retrofitting services for old diesel engines.

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