Lindley Extensometer

Lindley Extensometer

Budh Singh and Sons is a manufacturer of aggregate testing instruments, bitumen testing instruments, cement concrete testing instrument, soil testing instruments, drawing instrument, hydrology instruments, laboratory instruments, material testing instruments, surveying instrument and other testing instruments. The Lindley Extensometer used for measurement in extension for determination of proof stress in tensile test. The extension of specimen under test on tensile testing machine is magnified in the ration of 2:1 by a single lever and there after measured and indicated by a dial gauge of least count of 0.002 mm per division indicates due of leverage an extension of 1 division equals to 0.001 mm extension of specimen. Construction: the body of extensometer is attached with hinged arm. The specimen under test gripped between the conical ends by the thumbscrews in such manner that the vertical axis of the specimen is always coincident with the central plan of the extensometer. Technical data: least count – 0.001 mm; measuring range – 0.3 mm; gauge length of measurement – 50 mm; specimen dia/thickness – 1-25 mm. The company is a supplier to the Ministry of Defence and Government of India.

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