FRP Blowers

FRP Blowers

Flowstar Engineers offers a wide array of MS/FRP Centrifugal Blowers. This range of blowers is made available in several capacities and forms, in accordance with the varied requirements of customers. Personnel make sure to design these centrifugal blowers in accordance with to meet technical criteria defined by end user. MS/FRP blowers generally used where fume gas or flowing fluid is reactive to iron based metals. These products are highly admired in the market for its energy efficiency, low maintenance, vibration-free working and long service life. This will be used when your air medium is very toxic or very corrosive in nature. In order to prevent the material from chemical reaction it is advisable to use FRP construction blower. Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) fans are extremely well-suited for a wide range of corrosive applications. Typical industries for corrosion resistant FRP plastic fan use include chemical processing, waste water treatment, and analytical laboratories. We offer both direct drive and in direct drive MS/FRP fans.

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