Filtration Systems

Filtration Systems

Nikhil Technochem Pvt Ltd offers a wide range of filtration systems standardised on the basis of specific velocities for each type of filter. Filters are available with single 5-way valve operation & multiple valve operation depending on the flow rate & the application. Filters are available in MS (painted), FRP & HDPE construction. Types of Filters: Dual media filters, Activated Carbon filters, Iron removal filters, Garnet filters, Pressure sand filters, Auto Valve less gravity filters, High Rate filters. All standard filters are painted internally with anti-corrosive paint & externally with two coats of enamel paint. Semi-automatic versions of the filters are also available. Thermax offers high rate filters for mill scale and oil laden water in the steel industry. These filters remove mill scale suspended solids and oil present in the water re-circulation system. Filtered water is re-circulated to cooling towers. The rugged design ensures a high rate of filtration and low head loss through specialised under drains. This proves to be an economical system due to high solid loading capacity, effective back and air scouring provisions. Thermax has successful installations of these filters at major steel manufacturing plants.

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