Electro Lifting Magnets for Hollow Sections

Electro Lifting Magnets for Hollow Sections

SGM Magnetics India Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of SGM S.p.A – Italy, offers a range of Electro Lifting Magnets for Circularm and Rectangular Hollow Sections. The SGM electro-magnets designed for this application are very compact in height thus permitting the overall height o the magnetic system to be kept to a minimum. The SGM electronic control system for feeding and managing the magnets is able to adjust the magnetic force to multiple levels and check the temperature of the magnets. Provision is also made for controlling motorised telescopic spreader beams and full operation of a ‘pantograph’ magnet beam. The SGM electronic magnet control system can be easily integrated in an automated system. Since all handling operations are carried out from the crane cabin or from the ground by remote control, the speed of handling operations is much faster than when operators use slings or chains. Trucks are loaded in a matter of minutes, leading to increased productivity. With hundreds of magnets supplied worldwide by the company, important references include: ABS – Danieli Group (Italy), Dalmine – Tenaris Group (Italy), Corus (UK), Donasid – Tenaris Group (Romania), Sonasid (Morocco), Qatar Steel (Qatar), Bhilai Steel (India), Posco (Korea) and Deacero (Mexico), etc.

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