Digital Display & Controller

Digital Display & Controller

Nanmac Corporation has devoted considerable engineering and design energy developing sensors that offer high accuracy and extended life. This applies to relatively low temperature processes such as a chemical mixer at 500°F, pipeline temperatures and plastics moulding, to ultra-high temperatures such as vacuum furnace operation using graphite heating elements for temperatures over 4000°F. The company offers H3 Series digital display and controller. Features: user selectable temperature or process control; field selectable inputs; 4-20 mA, ±10 V, thermocouple types E, J, K & T and PT 100 RTD inputs; NEMA 4X, IP65 front panel; shallow depth case 3.6" behind panel; 85-265 V AC universal power input; serial communication adapter options; two form C 3 A relays option; selectable fail-safe operation; latching or non-latching; pump alternation control; On and Off time delays; 24 V DC @ 200 mA supply option; Modbus® RTU option; 4-20 mA output option; and dual 24 V DC supplies option.

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