Data Acquisition System, Nippolog

Data Acquisition System, Nippolog

Nippon Technologies has successfully installed a state-of-the-art Data Acquisition System, Nippolog. It consists of scanners, universal indicators, counters and software. The software periodically acquires data from above instruments and presents it in various forms at the user’s monitor. Nippolog is indigenously developed, easy to use and user interactive. The process data is available on graphical trends and tabular formats. The batch wise data archival, comparison of one to many channels helps to analyse and improve. The process: the RS485 protocol helps to collect data over longer distances; and printing facility helps to get Hard copies. Nippolog finds application in pharmaceutical, bulk drugs, dyes and chemicals, petrochemicals, engineering, power plants, textiles, air-conditions/ refrigeration, test laboratory and many other industries. Demo floppy is available on request and may be downloaded from the company’s website.

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